Since 1985

About Us

Parknet, the fruit of 30 years of Quebec expertise and continuous research, revolutionizes parking with customized solutions. Our made-in-Quebec products, such as entry kiosks, electric vehicle charging stations and pay stations, offer unrivalled flexibility. Our advanced equipment guarantees secure, efficient management of your parking facilities. Our cloud-based software approach simplifies day-to-day parking management.

The company conceives, designs and manufactures its equipment and programs its software at its head office in Quebec City. Like the other member companies of the globatech group, we make proximity to our customers one of our main objectives. We work tirelessly to offer a customized solution that reflects our customers' exact needs.

Sites with the Parknet solution in Canada
+ 0
of Québec parking market shares detained by Parknet
0 %
more than 5 000 000 parking tickets issued each year



2300, Léon-Harmel, office 101 Québec (Québec) G1N 4L2
Phone : 1 800 665-5767
Phone : (418)686-2300
Telefax : (418)682-5421